On the 19th anniversary of Padre Pio’s canonization, the Groups of the world are united in communion of prayer

The Prayer Group  “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” (House for Relief of Suffering) in Eucharistic Adoration led by Father Franco Moscone, general director of the Prayer Groups and president of Saint Pio Hospital.

It’s the moment of prayer organized by the “Mother Group” to commemorate the Day of Community prayer, celebrated today by Padre Pio Prayer Groups from all over the world.

Meanwhile, this morning, the message from Father Franco Moscone and Father Luciano Lotti reached all the Prayer Groups:


Heartfelt Thanks

To all the Padre Pio Prayer Groups, who together with their leaders and Spiritual Assistants have joined in the Communal Prayer Initiative for

the 16th June 2021 on the 19th anniversary of the
Canonization of St. Pio of Pietrelcina,

with the certainty that this union of prayer will be pleasing to St. Pio and will bestow abundant graces and blessings for all, in particular for the Pope, for the Church, for Peace, for Fr Franco Moscone, for the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza [House for the Relief of Suffering] and its patients and all the St. Pio Prayer Groups.

Here’s the list of the Prayer Groups from all over the world who have sent their participation in the initiative. There are many Italian Groups but also numerous other countries.

Thank you once again for your kind fraternal union in prayer. May Padre Pio always be with us and bless us all.

Fraternal and warm greetings to all in the hope of hearing from you soon


List of the Prayer Groups